Our History

Our History

The firm was established in Sydney, Australia in 1894 when Thomas Davis, from the United Kingdom, commenced his practice in the centre of what is now known as the Central Business District. It is now registered across Australia and in 1990 became a member of MSI Global Alliance. The firm's founder, Thomas Davis, was a descendent of one of Oliver Cromwell's soldiers, and is believed to be the first Englishman to travel to Australia to pursue an Accountancy career.

Thomas Davis & Co., is one of the oldest firms of Accountants' in Australia, and is ideally suited to meet its objectives which are to offer a wide range of services to a wide range of persons and corporations, and to maintain a prompt personal service to all clients at the highest level of professional competency.

We continue to remain an independent Firm with our traditions intact, and we are very proud of our achievements as we reflect on the firm's history.

Some of the key reasons for our success include:-

  • the commitment to communicating with clients in a timely fashion with relevant information;
  • ensuring that we have the capabilities and skills to help each and every client with regard to their accounting, tax and financial needs;
  • understanding that image is intertwined with respect and trust, and that it has a direct impact on the market's perception of the firm.

The firm continues to service clients (and relatives of clients) since the 1890s and the early 1900s and we have always attempted to think of ourselves as partners with our clients.

History has shown that the firm is successful because we consistently maintain our clients. Our clients feel secure in knowing that we will be there for them and their families well into the future. They trust that our fees are reasonable. There is a sense of belonging. Our clients not only understand that we have always had a good reputation with relevant Government Departments, but also that we have earned their respect, because we have acted "without fear or favour", with the clients' long-term interests being paramount.

If any person or corporation is seeking reliable, personal and professional services of the type we offer, on a long-term basis or even for a fixed period of time - climb aboard and let's travel together through the smooth and not so smooth waters of the journey of business and financial life.

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