In 1990, Thomas Davis & Co joined the MSI Global Alliance in response to the growing need to offer our clients cross-border solutions to their business needs. Since then, MSI has grown to be one of the world's leading International Associations of Independent Professional firms, with over 250 member firms in 105 countries.
MSI differs from other large international professional firms and associations due to our unique multidisciplinary approach, bringing together the business and advisory skills of both legal and accounting firms into the same alliance. This ensures that clients, wherever in the world they may be, benefit from seamless access to the interrelated expertise of accountants, auditors, lawyers, tax advisors and other specialist professionals. Member firms are among the most respected, full service professional service firms in their local marketplaces, and share a common desire to provide partner-led, personal, value for money solutions to the cross-border challenges faced by entrepreneurial businesses. Thomas Davis & Co.'s membership enables the firm to quickly source reliable, local expertise wherever in the world clients are involved in doing business.
Thomas Davis & Co. is the exclusive accounting member of MSI Global Alliance in Sydney, but just one of the 14 independent legal and accounting firms within the MSI Australia and New Zealand region.
Adelaide - South Australia
Johnston Withers
Tel: +61 8 8231 1110
Brisbane - Queensland
Cowen Schwartz Marschke
Tel: +61 7 300 300 00
Perth - Western Australia
Taylor Smart
Tel: +61 8 9325 8266
Sydney - New South Wales
Makinson & d'Apice
Tel: +61 2 9233 7788
Brisbane - Queensland
MSI Taylor
Tel: + 61 7 3512 8888
Melbourne - Victoria
Morrows Pty Ltd
Tel: +61 3 9690 5700
Perth - Western Australia
McKinley Plowman & Associates
Tel: +61 8 9301 2200
Sydney - New South Wales
Thomas Davis & Co
Tel: +61 2 9232 1188
Christchurch - South Island
Mackay Bailey
Tel: +64 3 341 0930
Auckland - North Island
JSA Audit Limited
Tel: +64 9 302 7306
(02) 9232 1188
Fax. (02) 9231 6792
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.